UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (2024)

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (1)

Pick me! Pick me! No, pick me! In today’s cheat sheet we will be looking at selectors and how they differ. Unlike most of my other cheat sheets, this will focus on two components (radio buttons and checkboxes) side by side for easier comparison — while also comparing them to a few others.

In this cheat sheet we will cover the following:

  1. What selectors are
  2. Anatomy of checkboxes and radio buttons
  3. What is the difference between radio buttons and checkboxes
  4. Common styles of selectors
  5. States
  6. Rules for label text
  7. When you should use them
  8. Accessibility checklist
  9. Closing thoughts

A selector is an input field where the user has to select one (or more) options, unlike a text field where the user has free rein. Selectors, like Lady Gaga’s hairstyles, come in all different shapes and forms. Dropdowns, checkboxes, toggles, sliders, and more are all different types of selectors, yet they look nothing like each other. The main functional difference between these types of selectors is how many options the user can pick: one or more.

In a perfect world, where there was no more starvation, animal poaching, greenhouse gases, or crime, I would start a petition to change radio buttons to ‘single selectors’ and checkboxes to ‘multi-selectors’. I think they describe what they are much better, but, alas, these legacy names are too ingrained and we are probably stuck with them.

While we will look at various selector types in this cheat sheet, we will focus on radio buttons and checkboxes. Below is their anatomy.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (2)

Note: There is some discrepancy in which of the parts above are referred to as the ‘radio button’/’checkbox’. Sometimes people use ‘radio button’/’checkbox’ to refer to the label and the selector together, while other times they use the terms to refer to the selector alone. I prefer the latter.

Radio buttons and checkboxes are very similar, except for a few key differences. The primary difference is that with radio buttons you can only select one item, while with checkboxes you can select any number. I was going to write out a table to explain this, but didn’t because a) it sounded boring, b) Medium doesn’t allow you to insert tables, so I had a better idea:

POP QUIZ! Yay! Let’s see who can get 100% — winner gets to buy me an apple and call me ‘ma’am’.

ONE: In the standard checkbox component, how many items are you allowed to select (unless otherwise stated)?

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. Unlimited
  4. 0

TWO: What is the shape of a radio button’s selector?

  1. Square
  2. Circle
  3. Hexagon
  4. Triangle

THREE: If you want to make a UI where a user can select multiple toppings to put on an ice cream, you would use:

  1. Radio buttons
  2. Checkboxes

FOUR: If you want to make a UI where a user can select what type of bank account they would like to open, you would use:

  1. Radio buttons
  2. Checkboxes

FIVE: If you wanted to create a ‘subscribe to our emailer’ selector, which selector type would you use?

  1. A radio button
  2. A checkbox

SIX: In the below image, which is a radio button?

  1. A
  2. B
UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (3)

ONE: 3. Unlimited
TWO: 2. Circle
THREE: 2. Checkboxes
FOUR: 1. Radio buttons
FIVE: 2. A checkbox
SIX: 1. A

WOOOOO you passed! (I hope.)

These are some of the common styles of checkboxes and radio buttons that you will come across in your field trip through the internet.

Standard style (radio buttons/checkboxes)

The most standard style of checkboxes and radio buttons uses buttons with ‘checkmarks’ or filled-in circles. I tend to prefer buttons with a checkmark UNLESS you are dealing with educational quizzes (see below).

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (4)
UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (5)

Quiz button style (radio buttons/checkboxes)

When a user is answering questions in a quiz, we have to make sure of two things: 1) that they can clearly see what answers they are choosing, 2) that they don’t get confused about when they get feedback on their answer.

If you look at the example below, you can see that the ‘checkmark’ can get confusing — it looks like those answers are correct, even though it hasn’t been graded yet.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (6)

Basic image style (radio buttons/checkboxes)

While this style of selector can give the user a better idea of what they are selecting, I seldom use them as the image will always be too small to see clearly anyway.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (7)

Image in a grid style (single/multi-select)

I prefer this style to the basic image style as you are able to make the images a lot bigger, and it also just looks better.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (8)

I first became aware of this style in Buzzfeed’s quizzes. (If you have never heard of Buzzfeed’s quizzes — a whole new world of procrastination awaits you.) Here they just show the image and have no text. If you go with that layout, pretty please make sure that you have alt text for users who use a screen reader or have a poor internet connection.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (9)

Multi-level checkboxes

Multi-level checkboxes are needed if the items need to be split up into groups. Also, notice that if only a few of the child items are selected, the parent category is only partially selected.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (10)

One of the trickier UI elements around this is that the top item (parent) acts both as a selector and an accordion. So, if you click the label does it select the selector or does it open/close the accordion? I can’t find any definitive research on which way is the best, as this is a bit of an unusual pattern, but in the past, I have made the label part of the accordion and not the selector. Let me know if you have any suggestions for how to deal with this dilemma in the comments.

Forced selection

Sometimes you will only want to allow your users to select a certain number of an item. To force this, if the user clicks one more than the selected amount, their oldest selection will deselect and the recent selection will update.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (11)

Button style (single/multi-select)

This style allows you to stack a whole lot of different items on top of each other, which means you get to save space and have more options. Because this pattern isn’t that common, I suggest that you let the user know how many options they can select. While there is no reason to not use this for single selectors, I have never seen it in the wild.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (12)

This style is very common when asking the user to choose multiple content tags (although they may not be aware of it). In the below example, Apple Music is asking users to select their favourite genres, which will in turn recommend songs and artists based on the user’s selection.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (13)

Toggle (single select)

The toggle is most often used for settings and allows the user to choose between yes/no options.

On mobile, the toggle itself usually sits on the far right while the label sits on the far left. This is to make it easier for the right thumb to change options.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (14)

Checkboxes and radio buttons have to change their state/appearance so that users know they have been selected. We need to add these little visual cues to nudge the user in the right direction using patterns that they already know and understand.


This is the starting state of selectors. This state indicates to the user that they can click the items in the questions.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (15)


When the inactive state is set, the user won’t be able to interact with the options. It is seldom that a user will encounter this state unless the product rules specify it.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (16)


Like buttons, selectors should indicate to the users that they are interactive or clickable. Usually this is done with highlighting the background of the item on hover. It also indicates what area of the items is clickable. If you hover off it, it should revert to its original state.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (17)

Don’t be a n00b tip: Touch devices don’t have a hover state.


The focus or highlighted state is usually indicated with a blue halo around the clickable item. You can see this for yourself by tabbing through an interface — which is the same thing someone who is poor sighted or had poor motor skills would do. It is seldom that a user will encounter this state, unless before someone clicks ‘enter’ to select an item.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (18)


This is the state where the user holds down their mouse/finger and the item indicates back to the user that it is being clicked.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (19)


Once the user has clicked an item, the UI should let them know. As mentioned earlier, radio buttons can only have one selected item, while checkboxes can have multiple, depending on business rules.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (20)

Fail feedback

With free text input, it is possible for a user to make a typo, etc. However, since the options in a selector are predetermined, there should only be one type of fail feedback: the ‘incomplete’ type, which the user will only receive if they click the ‘submit’ button before they finished filling out the form. For checkboxes, this will only be necessary if the question forces them to choose one or more items.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (21)

There is only one hard and fast rule for selector labels: be consistent.

  1. Make sure that the case on every selector label is the same (sentence case, title case, etc.)
  2. Make sure that all items either end in a period or not.
  3. Try to make sure that all the items are either a sentence, phrase, or word. Try to avoid some options being sentences and others being single words. Using a combination makes it tricky to decide on what case and punctuation to use.
UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (22)

When should you use radio buttons or checkboxes? This relies entirely on what question you are asking. If you want your users to select multiple options, use checkboxes. If you want your users to select only one option, use radio buttons (or another alternative).

When to use a radio button

I have four rules about when, or when not to, use radio buttons. They are:

1. When you only want the user to select one item
If you want the user to select more than one item then you should rather use checkboxes.

2. If you have fewer than six options
Depending on your design rules, if there are more than five or six items to choose from, rather use a dropdown. Yes, yes, I know that they are clunky, but they save a lot of space in your design.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (23)

That being said, if space isn’t an issue, maybe consider using radio buttons instead — particularly if you are designing for mobile. I have seen it work well for fast food deliveries.

If you are interested in learning more about dropdowns, check out my previous cheat sheet here:

UI cheat sheet: dropdown fieldDropdowns get a lot of flak from the UI world – and if we are honest, it’s not without reason. Done badly, they become…uxdesign.cc

3. You want to force a selection of one
When you select an item in a radio button list, you can’t deselect it. You can select something else and change your selection, but you can’t un-answer the question once you have selected an answer.

4. If the question only has two options that are yes/no
If your question is ‘Would you like to receive notifications?’, ‘Play background music?’ etc., then rather use a toggle. They take up much less space, are cleaner, and — because they are a newer selector type — they have the added bonus of being trendy.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (24)

5. If you want your users to click ‘save’ to implement the option
If you are in a settings page, or in a place where you want to allow the user to umm and err about their options before they click the big green save button - rather use radio buttons (or checkboxes). However, if you want your setting to happen immediately (turning wi-fi on/off) then rather use a toggle.

This suggestion comes from Thomas Veit, so go give them some claps in the comments below :)

6. If your option’s labels are short, consider using a multiple-choice toggle
You very seldom see this cutie out in the wild, but it is a delight when you do. Multi-choice toggles merge the best of radio buttons and toggles into this little guy. Compact, neat and user friendly. I would only suggest using this if your labels are short — otherwise, it could get a bit hairy on mobile.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (25)

This suggestion came from Thomas Weitz, so give them some claps in the comments below :)

When to use checkboxes

I have two rules about when to use checkboxes, and here they are:

1. When you want the user to be able to select multiple options or none at all
If you want your user to be able to add multiple toppings to their pizza, this is the selector for you. The user could select all, some, or none of the checkboxes.

2. Single item
Follow-up pop quiz: Why is the ‘I have read the terms and conditions’ always a checkbox and not a radio button? Surely it makes sense for it to be a radio button as it is better for ‘yes/no’ type questions?

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (26)

Answer: Because you can deselect it. Unlike a radio button with only one item, where you can’t deselect it. If you click it, soz for you: it is now selected FOREVER.

You’ve done it! You have completed designing your selectors, and it is time to ship it off to the development team. But wait! Have you checked that they are accessible first?

  1. Does your selector meet the WCAG AAA colour contrast standards? Some designers use the AA standards instead, but I’m far too paranoid for that. My current favourite contrast checker is WebAIM.
  2. Are your options/items bigger than 44px for touch screens? (Differing reports use 36px.)
  3. Is there more than 8px between each option/item?
  4. Is the label/question always visible?
  5. Do the relevant fields have helpful feedback text? (E.g. “Please complete this question”)

If you want to read more, check out: https://webaim.org/techniques/forms/controls

After this cheat sheet, I am going to move away from ‘form’ UI patterns and move onto other types of UI patterns. BUT if you have any requests to look into any other form field types let a girl know in the comments.

Stay safe out there Medium friends, the world is a crazy, crazy place right now.

UI cheat sheet: radio buttons, checkboxes, and other selectors (2024)


What are the different types of UI selectors? ›

Dropdowns, checkboxes, toggles, sliders, and more are all different types of selectors, yet they look nothing like each other. The main functional difference between these types of selectors is how many options the user can pick: one or more.

What are the different types of selection buttons? ›

There are four types of selection controls: checkboxes, toggle switches, radio buttons and dropdown list.

What can I use instead of radio button UI? ›

Checkboxes, like radio buttons, present multiple options in a list. Unlike radio buttons, however, they allow you to choose more than one option.

What can I use instead of checkbox in UX? ›

Checkboxes require vertical stacking, but toggle tokens allow for both vertical and horizontal stacking. This creates a compact arrangement that looks less intimidating to users.

What are the 4 categories of UI elements? ›

User interface elements usually fall into one of the following four categories:
  • Input Controls.
  • Navigation Components.
  • Informational Components.
  • Containers.
Mar 29, 2022

What are the 5 types of selector? ›

There are several different types of selectors in CSS.
  • CSS Element Selector.
  • CSS Id Selector.
  • CSS Class Selector.
  • CSS Universal Selector.
  • CSS Group Selector.

What are the 3 types of selection and what do they select for? ›

Types of Selection & Their Effects

There are three types of selection: Stabilising selection. Disruptive selection. Directional selection.

What are three types of buttons used in a Web form? ›

Authors may create three types of buttons:
  • submit buttons: When activated, a submit button submits a form. A form may contain more than one submit button.
  • reset buttons: When activated, a reset button resets all controls to their initial values.
  • push buttons: Push buttons have no default behavior.

How many types of buttons are there? ›

TYPES OF BUTTONS | 13 main types you will use.

What is the difference between toggle button and radio button? ›

Radio buttons — are used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and users must select only one of them. Toggle switches — are used when are two mutually exclusive options and always have a default value.

How do you create a dynamic radio button? ›

Dynamic HTML Radio Button Using JavaScript
  1. Define An HTML Wrapper Element.
  2. Create Data Model Object.
  3. Add Label of Input Radio Buttons Dynamically.
  4. Add Input Radio Buttons Dynamically.
  5. Style The Radio Button.
  6. Group The Radio Buttons.
  7. Get Selected Radio Button State.
  8. Save Data To Local Storage.
Jun 13, 2022

What is the opposite of radio buttons? ›

In food delivery apps, radio buttons do the exact opposite to checkboxes. While checkboxes help to personalize the user experience, radio buttons put constraints on the user's options to ensure each order is carried out successfully.

What is the difference between checkbox and toggle UX? ›

Toggle: use it for actions or options that have an immediate effect on the UI. They usually do not need to be confirmed or reviewed. Checkbox: use it when there are additional changes, they are inside a form or they need to be reviewed before continuing.

What is the difference between checkbox and Checkboxlist? ›

The Checkbox is used when only one option can be selected or deselected, while the Checkbox List allows the user to select or deselect multiple options at the same time.

Can you use Onchange for checkbox? ›

To get the checkbox value when it is checked or unchecked use the onchange event by calling a method in onchange event using lambda expression and passing the checkbox value to it.

What are the 3 Golden Rules of UI design? ›

The UI design principals are:

Place users in control of the interface. Make it comfortable to interact with a product. Reduce cognitive load. Make user interfaces consistent.

What are the five key elements of UI design? ›

  • 5 fundamental elements of interface design. How components like language, colour, imagery, typography, and icons work in the context of a user interface. ...
  • Language. There are various ways we can work with words within our project: ...
  • Colour. ...
  • Imagery. ...
  • Typography. ...
  • Icons.
Nov 20, 2018

What are four phases of UI design? ›

The UI/UX design phase in software development usually involves a pre-design stage, design research, and four other main stages: sketching, wireframing, visualization, and slicing.

What are the most common selectors? ›

The three most common CSS selectors are the id Selector, class Selector, and element Selector.

How many selectors are there? ›

There are 6 CSS selector types.

What is the universal selector? ›

The universal selector is a special type selector and can therefore be namespaced when using @namespace . This is useful when dealing with documents containing multiple namespaces such as HTML with inline SVG or MathML, or XML that mixes multiple vocabularies. ns|* - matches all elements in namespace ns.

What are the four methods of selection? ›

Methods of selection
  • CV. A CV is a document that applicants complete and submit alongside a job application. ...
  • Application form. An application form is completed by a potential employee when they apply for a job. ...
  • Letter of application. ...
  • Interviews. ...
  • Tests. ...
  • Group activities. ...
  • References.

What are the 3 processes of selection? ›

Selection Process
  • Step 1: Job Design. This is the step during which the work is reviewed and decisions are made about how to accomplish all the work that needs to be completed. ...
  • Step 2: Position Description. A position description is the formal document that describes a job. ...
  • Step 3: Forming a Selection Committee.

What are the 4 natural selection? ›

Natural selection happens only if the following four requirements are met, according to evolution theory. They are as follows: heredity, reproduction, physical traits that differ, and variation in the number of offspring produced by each individual.

What are the 3 view buttons? ›

Normal view - The Normal view is the default view of the program. Outline - Gives you an Outline view. Page break view - In Microsoft Excel, the Page break preview shows your spreadsheet and where each page ends and begins with a blue dotted line.

What are the three control buttons? ›

(Minimize, maximize, close.

What are the types of clickable buttons in HTML? ›

The <button> tag creates a clickable button. Buttons can contain content, such as text, icons, images, etc. Three button types are available: button, submit, and reset.

What are the four states of a button? ›

The four button states are: Normal, as the button exists when the page is initially displayed, Over, when the users pass their cursors over the button, Down, when the button is clicked, and Disabled, when the button is disabled.

Who are 21 buttons? ›

Founded in 2016, 21 Buttons is a social network and fashion marketplace that allows influencers to share shoppable photos of their outfits. Items are tagged and directly linked to ecommerce stores, with affiliate partnerships allowing the influencer to take a commission of any sale made.

What are loop buttons called? ›

Button loops, also know as rouleau loops, add such a beautiful finishing touch to a garment. The loops aren't hard to make, but if you've never done it before you might be scratching your head. Turning a very narrow piece of fabric right side out can seem tricky!

Why would you choose a radio button instead of a checkbox? ›

For example, you should use radio buttons when you want the user to be able to select only one option from the available choices. In contrast, if you're giving multiple selection choices to your users, you should use the checkboxes field.

What is checkbox vs toggle vs radio button? ›

Checkbox Group: A checkbox group contains checkbox fields that let people select zero or more options from a set. Radio Group: Radio groups include a set of radios that let people select exactly one option in a set. Toggle Switches: A Toggle Switch lets people turn a single setting on or off immediately.

What can I use instead of a radio button? ›

The alternatives to radio buttons are checkboxes and drop down boxes. Use them over the alternatives when: One answer must be selected.

How do you check whether radio button is checked or not? ›

Use the querySelector() method to check whether a radio button is selected. Programmers can use JavaScript's querySelector() method to select any HTML element. Here, we have used the querySelector() method to select only the checked radio button. If no radio button is selected, it returns a null value.

What are multiple choice buttons called? ›

Checkboxes allow a user to select multiple choices.

What is the difference between radio button and dropdown? ›

Think about a multiple choice quiz—you'd give your students Radio Buttons so they could choose one answer for each question and see each choice the entire time. A Dropdown List field can be used to create a list of items that you want a user to choose from—for example, selecting a day of the week.

Can we have 3 radio buttons? ›

Only one radio button in a group can be selected at the same time.

What can I use instead of toggle UI? ›

Toggle switches have their uses, but only if you use them right. As an alternative, you could use radio buttons or check boxes, for example. In both cases, tooltips could help users choose.

Which widget can be used as an alternative of checkbox? ›

The Radio button widget

Change its default state in the same way as with the Checkbox. Use these widgets to create online forms, surveys, settings and more for you web and mobile prototypes.

In what situations might you use a toggle button vs a switch control vs a checkbox? ›

Use a toggle switch for binary settings when changes become effective immediately after the user changes them. Use a checkbox when the user has to perform extra steps for changes to be effective. For example, if the user must click a "submit" or "next" button to apply changes, use a check box.

When should you use a Radiobutton or a checkbox in an application? ›

When to Use Which Widgets
  1. Radio buttons are used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive and the user must select exactly one choice. ...
  2. Checkboxes are used when there are lists of options and the user may select any number of choices, including zero, one, or several.
Sep 26, 2004

What is the difference between ListBox and CheckedListBox? ›

The Windows Forms CheckedListBox control extends the ListBox control. It does almost everything that a list box does and also can display a check mark next to items in the list. Other differences between the two controls are that checked list boxes only support DrawMode.

What are the three states of checkbox? ›

A tri-state checkbox can be checked, not checked, or partially checked. The condition of being partially checked is based on the selection of child elements. If all child elements are selected, the parent checkbox is checked. If some child elements are selected, the parent checkbox is partially checked.

Can we use placeholder in checkbox? ›

Yes, of course.

How to use onclick function in checkbox? ›

Create the function checkClickFunc() which is to be executed upon clicking the checkbox. Using the “getElementById()” method, retrieve the checkbox by its id, “agree”. Check the checkbox's status by using the “checked” attribute. If it's “true”, show an alert message “Checkbox is clicked”.

How do you check a checkbox if another checkbox is checked? ›

Conclusion. To determine if the checkbox is checked, utilize the checkbox's “checked” property. The checked property outputs a boolean value true if it is checked; else, it gives false. For the verification, you can use two different procedures; one is the onclick() event, and the other is addEventListener() method.

How many types of selector are there? ›

We can divide CSS selectors into five categories: Simple selectors (select elements based on name, id, class) Combinator selectors (select elements based on a specific relationship between them) Pseudo-class selectors (select elements based on a certain state)

How many selectors are there in UiPath? ›

UiPath Essesntial Training - 4 3 Selectors.

What are the three types of UI? ›

The various types of user interfaces include: graphical user interface (GUI) command line interface (CLI) menu-driven user interface.

How many types of selectors are there in the system? ›

1. Type, class, and ID selectors.

What is the most specific selector? ›

ID selectors: ID selectors are the most specific kind of selector. They select an element based on its ID attribute (e.g., #my-id). Class selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-class selectors: These three selector types have equal specificity. Class selectors select all elements in a CSS class (e.g., .

What are the 3 key components of the UiPath platform? ›

UiPath Platform consists of three main components:
  • UiPath Studio.
  • UiPath Robot.
  • UiPath Orchestrator.
Dec 21, 2022

What are the 2 types of robots in UiPath? ›

Attended Robots help human workers speed front-office tasks. Triggered by user commands or needing human direction, Attended Robots operate in the background while users work on higher-level tasks. Unattended Robots run back-office tasks in a physical or virtual environment and can be scheduled to self-start.

What are fuzzy selectors in UiPath? ›

About Fuzzy Search

For example, a web page title can change during the automation process, which makes corresponding selector invalid. In this regard, the selector's fuzzy search capabilities enable you locate strings based on a pattern, rather than on an exact match to your input.

What is the golden rule of UI design? ›

Rule 1: Prioritize consistency and usability

The design throughout a web page or app should be consistent, from the design of prompts and menus to the overall aesthetic of the product.

What are the three most common types of selectors for HTML elements? ›

Type, class, and ID selectors.

What are DOM selectors? ›

DOM Selectors, as the name suggests is used to select HTML elements within a document using JavaScript. There are 5 ways in which you can select elements in a DOM using selectors. getElementsByTagName() getElementsByClassName() getElementById()

What are the four different contextual selectors? ›

There are 4 different selectors in this Context Selectors category.
  • Indirect Descendent Selector ( ) ...
  • Direct Descendent Selector ( > ) ...
  • Adjacent Sibling Selector ( + ) ...
  • General Sibling Selector ( ~ )

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Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.